Chapter 2. Sound and the SndKit

Table of Contents
Design Philosophy
Sound Hardware
Voice-Quality Input
High-Quality Sound Output
Basic Sound Concepts
What is Sound?
How the Computer Represents Sound
SndSoundStruct: How Sound is Represented
The SndKit
The Snd Class
The SndView Class

This chapter describes the hardware and software provided for recording, manipulating, playing back, and displaying sounds. The chapter is divided into three parts:

Design Philosophy

At the heart of the MusicKit Project sound facilities are the Objective-C language classes provided by the SndKit. The SndKit manages the details of operating system communication, data access, and data buffering that are necessary for recording and playing sounds.

A number of system beep-type sounds are provided in files on the disk. You can easily incorporate these sounds into your application; the playback of an effect can be made to correspond to user actions or application events, such as the completion of a background process.

The sound software gives you full access to the data that makes up a sound. With some simple programming you can manipulate this data. For instance, you can alter the pitch of a sound or affect its playback speed. A sound can be played backwards, looped end to end, or chopped into pieces and reassembled in a different order. You can digitally splice and mix together any number of different sounds: A dog bark can be spliced into the middle of a doorbell; a clarinet tone can turn into a snore.