The MusicKit is listed on the following open source portals:
The source files consist of:
The source to MusicKit, SndKit, MKDSP, MKPerformSndMIDI, MKUnitGenerators and MKSynthPatches frameworks and all utilites, applications, documentation and example code.
This is the most recent revision and patch. Some older revisions are located at the sourceforge site for regression testing.
The MacOS X-Server V1.0-1.2 MIDI driver source.
This is not needed for MacOS X. |
NeXTStep V3.3 headers required to compile the driver on MacOS X-Server V1.2.
This is not needed for MacOS X. |
The following libraries need to be compiled and installed prior to compiling the MK source. These may be installable using fink.
If installing on GNUstep, be sure that PKG_CONFIG_PATH is set to point to whereever you install the libraries listed below. For example, if you do install these in /usr/local/lib, PKG_CONFIG_PATH should be set to /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig. See pkg-config for details. |
The Ogg/Vorbis libraries provide patent-free Vorbis encoding/decoding of PCM audio to and from Ogg format bitstreams for use by libshout. Newer versions than 1.0 for Ogg and 1.0 for Vorbis will probably just work.
Install the library using:
The libsndfile sound file I/O library provides sound file format conversion. Newer versions than 1.0.6pre12 will probably just work. This is the default sound I/O library replacing sox in most cases.
Install the library using:
The SoX sound tools library is a deprecated means of sound file format conversion.
Only install this if you have set the macro definitions in SndFunctionsDiskIO.m to use the sox instead of libsndfile API. |
Install the library using:
The LAME library provides MP3 encoding/decoding capability. Newer versions than 3.93.1 will probably just work.
Install the library using:
The libshout library (part of the IceS distribution) of the icecast project provides the capability to stream MP3 or Ogg/Vorbis encoded audio to a broadcast server.
Install the library using:
Portaudio needs to be installed on Windows, Linux and other Unixen except for MacOS X, OpenStep/NeXTStep systems.
At the moment, the CVS repository version is the only version that works on MinGW and so MKPerformSndMIDI_portaudio uses the upcoming V19 release. Using CVS, checkout the portaudio version 19 development branch. On Linux/BSD/SGI etc do:
cvs co -r v19-devel portaudio cd portaudio ./configure --libdir=$GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT/Libraries --includedir=$GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT/Local/Libraries/Headers sudo make install |
On Windows XP do:
Binaries for the compiled frameworks for various operating systems reside on sourceforge as tar'ed .pkg (Apple/NeXT), or .rpm (Linux) packages. The files include the version number, choose the most recent release:
The MacOS X frameworks (including the SndKit), applications, command line tools and documentation.
The MacOS X-Server V1.2 MIDI driver binary for SCC UARTs in 8500/8600/9500/9600/G3/G4 PowerMacs.
This driver is not needed and will not work on MacOS X. |