Keith Hamel "NoteAbility: A Music Notation System Combines Musical Intelligence with Graphic Flexibility" Proceedings of the 1994 International Computer Music Conference 303-6 1994 International Computer Music Association
David A. Jaffe "An Overview of the NeXT Music Kit" Proceedings of the 1989 International Computer Music Conference 135-8 1989 International Computer Music Association
David A. Jaffe "Efficient Dynamic Resource Management on Multiple DSPs, as Implemented in the NeXT Music Kit" Proceedings of the 1990 International Computer Music Conference 188-90 1990 International Computer Music Association OrchestraDetails.pdf
David A. Jaffe "Musical and Extra-Musical Applications of the NeXT Music Kit" Proceedings of the 1991 International Computer Music Conference 521-4 1991 International Computer Music Association MusicApplications.pdf
David A. Jaffe and Julius O. Smith, III "Real Time Sound Processing & Synthesis on Multiple DSPs Using the Music Kit and the Ariel QuintProcessor" Proceedings of the 1993 International Computer Music Conference International Computer Music Association 1993 MusicKit-NWExpo93.pdf
David A. Jaffe and Lee R. Boynton "An Overview of the Sound and Music Kits for the NeXT Computer" Computer Music Journal 13(2) 1989 48-55 MIT Press Reprinted in book form in The Well-Tempered Object MIT Press 1991 Edited by Stephen Pope
Stephen Brandon and Leigh M. Smith "Next Steps from NeXTSTEP: MusicKit and SoundKit in a New World" Proceedings of the 2000 International Computer Music Conference 503-6 2000 International Computer Music Association ICMC2000.pdf
Michael McNabb "Ensemble, An Extensible Real-Time Performance Environment" Proceedings of 89th Audio Engineering Society Convention 1990 Audio Engineering Society
Julius O. Smith, III, David A. Jaffe, and Lee R. Boynton "Music System Architecture on the NeXT Computer" Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society Conference 1989 Audio Engineering Society SoundMusicDSP.pdf
Julius O. Smith, III "Computer Music on the DSP56001" Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics October, 1989 IEEE DSPSoftwareDesign.pdf
Julius O. Smith, III "Unit-Generator Implementation on the NeXT DSP Chip" Proceedings of the 1989 International Computer Music Conference 303-6 1989 International Computer Music Association
Atau Tanaka "Implementing Quadraphonic Audio on the NeXT" Proceedings of the 1991 International Computer Music Conference 1991 International Computer Music Association