NoteUpdates Without Tags Set Defaults

If a noteUpdate has no tag, it applies to all currently playing notes of the part in which it appears. It also becomes the default for future notes. This mechanism can be used to provide “voicings” that periodically change.

Example 8-7. Use of Anonymous Note Updates

singer (noteUpdate) waveLen:128.000 svibAmp0:.003 	
           svibAmp1:.011 rvibAmp:.006 bearing:.000;	 		
t 0.800; 		
singer (2) freq0:466.164 freq1:466.164 freqEnv:frqFn0 amp:-12dB
           ampEnv:ampFn1 waveform0:"0SU" waveform1:"SU"	
           waveformEnv:intFn0 freqAtt:.200 waveformAtt:.200
           svibFreq0:3.125 svibFreq1:4.630;